New Hope Bird Alliance (formerly New Hope Audubon Society) is a local chapter of National Audubon for Durham, Orange, and northern Chatham counties and we maintain close ties with Audubon NC. To find out more about why we changed our name from New Hope Audubon and the process we used, check out this link: New Hope Bird Alliance.
Items of special interest
CALENDAR OF EVENTS web page to keep informed about upcoming events including bird outings.
FIELD NOTES BLOG to be sure to keep up with the latest posts.
BIRD COUNT CHARTS web page to explore our historical data going back to 1977 for both our Spring and Christmas Bird Counts.
VOLUNTEER web page for ways you can help and fill out our updated Volunteer Form to tell us about your interests.
MEETING RECORDINGS web page for recordings of past membership meetings via Zoom.
NHBA awards its first land conservation and restoration grants for 2025 to Bluestem Habitat Improvement for Species Diversification ($3000) and the Town of Carrboro, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Invasive Species Removal and Habitat Restoration Project ($2000). Read more about these projects here.
Our next NHBA meeting is March 6, 2025 at 7 pm. Our speaker will be Courtney Ross of The Purple Martin Society, who will discuss Purple Martins in North Carolina.
This will be a hybrid meeting; in person at the Joslin Classroom of the North Carolina Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill with a Zoom option. Register to attend via Zoom. If you have already registered to attend a previous meeting, it is not necessary to do so again.
New Hope Bird Alliance is selling Protect Aerial Insectivores t-shirts to help fundraise for activities conserving and promoting chimney swifts, purple martins and other aerial insectivores. NHBA has started a campaign with Bonfire where you can purchase a t-shirt or hoodie in multiple colors and sizes.