New Hope Audubon Society’s Land Protection and Restoration Grant Program

The mission of the New Hope Audubon Society (NHAS) is to promote the conservation and enjoyment of birds, other wildlife, and ecosystems, particularly in the counties it serves – Chatham, Durham, Orange, and parts of other surrounding counties. In line with its mission NHAS is committed to supporting land acquisition and restoration that helps protect and preserve or restore wildlife habitat in North Carolina, focusing on property in its territory.

The NHAS Land Protection and Restoration Grant Program provides funding for up to two grants each calendar year that are in line with NHAS’s mission. Up to $5,000 will be awarded during each grant application period for each project that supports land conservation or restoration; awards are dependent on the availability of funds and must be approved by the NHAS Board of Directors. This formal grant program will not preclude NHAS from providing financial support for ad hoc land acquisition or restoration projects.

NHAS will accept completed applications from eligible applicants twice a year. The current grant application period is open from November 1 through December 7, 2023. The Conservation Committee will review and evaluate the applications and submit written recommendations for funding to the NHAS Board of Directors within 60 days of the application deadline.

Eligible applicants include qualified nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations, including land trusts and nature centers, as well as state, local, municipal, and tribal governments. Applying organizations and agencies must be located in the State of North Carolina.

Eligible projects include:

1) Land purchases, conservation easements, surveys, appraisals, legal fees, environmental assessments, closing costs
\n2) Habitat rehabilitation and restoration

Project applications will be evaluated on the degree to which the project:

1) Conserves or restores land that is of ecological value or provides critical habitats for birds, plants, and wildlife;
\n2) Creates or aids in creating or restoring wildlife corridors or unfragmented tracts of wildlife habitat;
\n3) Conserves or restores habitat within or adjacent to an Important Bird Area or is significant to preserving or linking IBAs;
\n4) Conserves or restores land that is near a population center and is used for nature study or conservation education; or
\n5) Conserves or restores land that is in or near historically underserved communities, communities of color, or populations with disparities in access to natural areas.

Priority will be given to projects:

1) that are within NHAS’s territory. Projects outside the State of North Carolina will not be considered.
\n2) that have transaction costs associated with actual land acquisitions or costs for restoration on land that is already owned by the applying organization.
\n3) that have potential for NHAS bird outings or for environmental education initiatives.

Organizations awarded money under NHAS’s grant program must provide a brief written report about the impact of the grant and the project within 30 days of the completion of the project. Reports should be submitted to NHAS’s email address ([email protected]). In addition, organizations that receive grants will include information about NHAS’s financial support in publicity about the project.

The application form is located here:

NHAS Land Protection and Restoration Grant Program Application

Applications must be submitted via the form or via regular mail (PO Box 2693, Chapel Hill, NC 27515) by the application deadline.

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