Get Outdoors

Photo By T. Driscoll
An eagle diving to snatch a fish, a stand of blossoming iris, a treetop flocking with cedar waxwings, a waterfall fed by spring rains, a silent leaf-covered trail in fall – all of these natural charms await you, your family and friends to venture outside. The world is full of beauty and excitement and that exposure is good for us and our planet. It has been clearly shown that venturing out with nature reduces stress, helps keep us fit, and gives us greater concern for our environment. We are tremendously fortunate in North Carolina to have so many places to go to see nature. Audubon concentrates on the amazing experiences when seeing birds, yet that always includes plants and all of wildlife. The experience of going outdoors, whether for a walk, or a long hike, a campout, whatever it may be, has immediate and lasting effects. For many people, that first glimpse of a brightly colored painted bunting, or a massive rookery, a pair of soaring red-tailed hawks, or a lake overflowing with snow geese can etch into one’s mind the majesty of nature, and a lasting excitement for wildlife. Come with us and explore.